This training course is an essential toolbox of knowledge for anyone working to develop the physical body, such as: Personal trainers, physios and rehabilitation therapists, or anyone else who has a physical issue that they would like to restore to full function
It is very common, even within the fitness industry, that musculoskeletal issues resulting in pain, dysfunction and limitation are either not addressed or are addressed on only a superficial, symptomatic level.
For an issue to be resolved permanently, it must be addressed at the level of causation. Gaining the skills and knowledge to correctly identify and effectively address this, is the focus of this course. Achieving this involves optimizing musculoskeletal alignment and function from head to foot.
If you know how to do this for yourself, you will be able to guide others to also achieve this...

This training course will show you how to correct muscular and myofascial length-tension relationships throughout the entire body enabling an optimized force transference up and down the kinetic chain.
Whether you are looking to heal your body of dysfunction, pain or injury or you are looking to elevate your athletic performance to the next level, this process is a vital one
For people working professionally with the physical body, this is 'must have' knowledge that will put you in a different league of capability altogether
Membership to the Body Regenesis Training Portal assessible via your desktop, tablet or mobile phone
The Body Regenesis Training Manual detailing common musculoskeletal dysfunctions, their deeper causation, uncommon knowledge and specifically what is required to effectively resolve the issue and restore function
The Body Regenesis Testing Manual detailing the 16 recommended tests to identify where someone is at with their structural strength, alignment and functional ROM
The Body Regenesis Testing Sheet (pairs with Testing Manual) for assessment recording and analysis
Over 120 Instructional video tutorials including specific exercises, valuable technique tips and step like progressions and regressions for each exercise as well as various stretches to target every area of the body
Complimentary access to the next Body Regenesis Fitness Workshop where you can assimilate the knowledge more completely and share your ideas with others on the course
Gain certification requirements for becoming a qualified Body Regenesis Instructor
Learn more about our Mind Regenesis and Energy Regenesis courses through which you can become a fully qualified REGENESIS Holistic Wellbeing Healing Facilitator